The recent revelation of a prostitution racket operating in Kharadi, Pune has shocked many residents in the area. An undercover operation conducted on June 29th, 2024, captured video footage of illegal activities taking place at a spa center in Grant Road, Kharadi. The footage, which was anonymously sent to Punekar News, led to action being taken by Senior Police Inspector Sanjay Chavan of Chandan Nagar Police Station.
Inspector Chavan confirmed that just two days ago, a spa within their jurisdiction was shut down for its involvement in the prostitution racket. The Pune Police Commissioner’s office is expected to release more details about the spa in question.
This incident is not the first of its kind in Kharadi, as the Pune Police Social Security Branch had conducted similar raids on spas in April. The ongoing issue of illegal activities in the area has raised concerns among residents and authorities alike. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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