Hey Pune peeps, it looks like there’s some serious drama unfolding on the roads following the demolition of the Sadhu Vaswani Bridge in Koregaon Park. Qaneez Sukhrani and her squad at the Association of Nagar Road Citizens Forum are not happy campers, and they’ve taken their complaints straight to the Pune Police and PMC.
According to the activists, the traffic diversion to Mangaldas Road is causing a major headache for commuters. They’re seeing crazy congestion, especially near Wadia College where two-wheelers are basically taking over the footpath. And let me tell you, it’s not a pretty sight – broken tiles, holes everywhere, and students risking life and limb just to get to class.
Sukhrani didn’t hold back, calling the traffic diversion “thoughtless” and pointing out how it’s just making life harder for everyone. She’s proposing a return to the good ol’ days of traffic flow, suggesting a two-way system on Mangaldas Road to ease the chaos.
But wait, there’s more! The blocked right turn at the end of Mangaldas Road is causing even more trouble. Some drivers are going rogue and coming from the ICICI Bank side, creating a dangerous mess at the junction. And don’t even get Sukhrani started on the underutilized side of Mangaldas Road – it’s a hot mess.
To top it all off, there’s a severe lack of traffic wardens in the area, making the situation even worse. Sukhrani is demanding more enforcement to get things back on track.
So, if you’re tired of sitting in traffic and dodging crazy two-wheelers on the footpath, it looks like we’ll have to tough it out for the next few years until the new Sadhu Vaswani Bridge is up. Here’s hoping the Traffic Police and PMC can come up with a better plan to keep us all sane in the meantime.
Thanks For Reading Report of Punepress.com