In a shocking turn of events, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in Pune has nabbed two individuals in connection with a bribery case involving a land tax surveyor from the Land Records Office. The accused, Daulat Madhukar Gaikwad and Yogeshwar Rajendra Marne, were caught accepting a bribe of ₹50,000 to determine land boundaries after conducting measurements.

The complaint was filed by a 31-year-old man who owns land in Dehu Gaon and had sought the services of the Land Records Office for land measurement and boundary demarcation. Gaikwad allegedly demanded a bribe of ₹40,000 from the complainant, which eventually escalated to ₹50,000 through Marne.

Fortunately, the ACB was quick to act and conducted a trap operation, catching Marne red-handed. The case has been registered under the relevant sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act of 1988 at Yerawada Police Station, with ACB Police Inspector Shriram Shinde leading the investigation.

This incident serves as a reminder of the prevalence of corruption in our society and the importance of remaining vigilant against such unethical practices. The ACB’s swift action is commendable and sends a strong message that corruption will not be tolerated in Pune.

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