In a recent shocking incident at Pune International Airport, a passenger reported the theft of Rs 1.8 lakh from his checked-in baggage during a flight from Delhi to Pune. The incident has left passengers concerned about the safety of their belongings during air travel.

The victim, Prasanna Nahar, discovered that his bag was open and the cash missing upon arrival in Pune. He has since filed a formal complaint with the Airport Police Station, but the responsibility for such thefts remains unclear.

Aviation expert Dhairyashil Vandekar pointed out that the airport administration and airline companies should take full responsibility for ensuring the security of passengers’ luggage. However, Pune Airport Director Santosh Dhoke disagrees, stating that the airlines are ultimately responsible for the safe transit of luggage.

An investigation into the theft is currently underway by the Airport Police Station, but this is not an isolated incident at Pune Airport. Despite the presence of security personnel and CCTV surveillance, thefts have been reported on flights to Dubai and Delhi.

To prevent such incidents, Vandekar advises air travellers to avoid keeping valuables and cash in checked luggage and to inspect their bags immediately upon arrival. With the uncertainty surrounding the responsibility for thefts from checked-in luggage, passengers are left wondering where to seek redress in such situations.

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