Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister of Maharashtra, Ajit Pawar, made a significant announcement at the Purple Jallosh event in Pimpri Chinchwad. He declared a 50% property tax concession for differently-abled individuals, a move aimed at empowering this section of society. This proposal will be forwarded to the Maharashtra State Government for approval.

During his speech, Pawar also mentioned plans to allocate a separate percentage in the upcoming budget for the welfare of differently-abled persons. He stressed the importance of supporting and uplifting this community, highlighting their unique challenges and needs.

In addition to the tax concession, Pawar urged civic bodies to show leniency towards differently-abled hawkers facing encroachment issues. He emphasized the need to protect their means of livelihood while also maintaining order in the city. However, he advised against setting up stalls in areas that could disrupt the city’s functioning.

The announcement was met with praise from attendees, including PCMC Commissioner Shekhar Singh, PMC Commissioner Dr Rajendra Bhosale, and PMRDA Commissioner Yogesh Mhase. Overall, Pawar’s efforts to empower differently-abled individuals have been well-received and are seen as a positive step towards inclusivity and support for this community.

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