In a refreshing display of honesty and dedication to duty, Assistant Police Inspector Nandkumar Kadam from Pune refused a bribe and reported the incident to the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB). Kadam, who comes from a family with a strong police background, has become an inspiration for many aspiring youths.

The incident involved a real estate agent named Hasan Ali Bartakke who had cheated a woman out of Rs 14.50 lakh in a flat deal. Despite repeated attempts by Bartakke to offer Kadam a bribe using the complainant’s money, Kadam stood firm in his refusal. He eventually lodged a complaint with the ACB, leading to Bartakke’s arrest.

Kadam, who started his career as a police constable in 2006 and worked his way up to Assistant Police Inspector, emphasized that his main goal is to serve the people with integrity. The ACB praised Kadam for his honesty and noted that cases like these are rare and commendable.

The ACB’s operation involved marking currency notes with powder for evidence, recording conversations, and taking action in the presence of witnesses. This case serves as a reminder that there are still officers like Kadam who prioritize justice and honesty over personal gain.

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