Following the tragic deaths of a woman and four children at a waterfall near Lonavala’s Bhushi Dam, the Pune district administration has taken swift action to improve safety for tourists during the monsoon season. Here are the key points of the new safety guidelines:

1. Urgent Safety Measures and Inspections: Collector Suhas Divase has instructed authorities to assess potential risks and implement safety protocols at popular tourist areas in the Western Ghats. Areas like Maval, Mulshi, Khed, Junnar, Bhor, Velha, and Ambegaon will be inspected to ensure necessary precautions are in place.

2. Popular Tourist Destinations Under Scrutiny: Tourist hotspots such as Bhushi and Pavana dams, Lonavala, Sinhgad, Malshej, and Tamhini Ghat will be closely monitored to enhance visitor safety.

3. Comprehensive Safety Protocols: The administration will mark dangerous spots as prohibited areas with warning signs and close off areas where safety measures cannot be implemented. Agencies will deploy divers, rescue boats, lifeguards, and life jackets at water bodies frequented by tourists.

4. Regulating Access and Ensuring Compliance: Access to forest areas will be restricted after 6 pm, and the forest department will take action against any encroachments. Local administrations will set visitor timings and ensure tourists do not stay beyond sunset.

5. Accountability and Enforcement: Strict enforcement of safety measures is crucial, and officials who fail to comply will be held accountable. Action will be taken against those who violate rules and regulations.

By implementing these proactive measures, the Pune district administration aims to prevent further tragedies and create a safer environment for tourists exploring the Western Ghats during the monsoon season.

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