The recent tragedy at a waterfall near Lonavala has prompted the Pune district administration to take immediate action to ensure the safety of tourists during the monsoon season. Prohibitory orders have been issued to minimize risks and enhance safety measures at popular picnic spots in Pune.
Lifeguards and rescue teams will be stationed at various tourist spots to respond quickly to emergencies. Warning boards and safety signage will be placed at risky locations to alert visitors about potential dangers. Restrictions on gatherings and prohibitions on risky activities, such as entering deep water bodies or getting too close to waterfalls, have been implemented to prevent accidents.
Tourists are advised to check weather conditions before visiting picnic spots, avoid risky areas near overflowing water bodies, choose designated swimming areas with lifeguards present, and follow posted warnings and restrictions for their safety and the safety of others. It is crucial for visitors to practice responsible tourism and adhere to safety guidelines to prevent tragic incidents like the one at Lonavala waterfall.
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