Hey there, Pune peeps! It seems like there was a major voter list blunder in the Kothrud Constituency during the last Lok Sabha elections. Nearly 46,900 voter names were left out, causing a big headache for many voters in the area. But fear not, because Maharashtra’s Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Patil and the Pune BJP crew are on the case!
They recently met with Pune District Collector Dr. Suhas Diwase to demand a fix for the faulty voter list. The delegation, which included some big political names like Minister Chandrakant Patil, Parvati MLA Madhuri Misal, and Khadakwasla MLA Bhimrao Tapkir, pointed out the errors and stressed the importance of getting things right before the upcoming Maharashtra Legislative Assembly elections.
Minister Patil was not mincing words, stating that over 46,900 voter names were missing in the Lok Sabha elections and that even elderly voters over 85 were left out due to a lack of awareness. MLA Misal also chimed in, mentioning the slow processes at voting centers that caused even more voting woes.
It’s clear that there were some serious hiccups in the last elections, but with this kind of attention and demand for change, let’s hope that the voting process in Pune gets a much-needed upgrade. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story!
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