The murder investigation of Beed Sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh has taken an unexpected turn with the recent arrest of Valmik Karad in connection with an extortion case linked to the crime. It has been revealed that Karad has made extensive property acquisitions across Maharashtra, including three offices on Pune’s FC Road under his wife’s name.
This development has led to the questioning of BJP leader Datta Khade by the CID. Khade, who denied any involvement in the property transactions, faced a two-hour interrogation session yesterday. He maintained that his interactions with Karad were limited and that he had no role in facilitating the purchases.
Karad, a close associate of NCP Minister Dhananjay Munde, is alleged to have used illicit funds for the property deals. This revelation has sparked political debates in Pune, with speculation that Khade’s involvement may be linked to his past role as a corporator in the area.
Khade, however, dismissed these claims, attributing them to attempts to unfairly implicate him due to caste dynamics and political rivalries. He clarified that while he had advised many individuals on property matters during his time as a corporator, he had no connection to Karad’s transactions.
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