Pune is gearing up for a literary extravaganza with the upcoming Pune Book Festival, scheduled to take place from December 14 to 22 at Fergusson College. Former Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Patil expressed his excitement for the event, comparing it to Pune’s famous Ganeshotsav and predicting its global recognition. He emphasized the city’s reputation as a hub for writing and research, noting that other cities in Maharashtra are eager to replicate the festival.

The National Book Trust (NBT) is organizing the festival, which is expected to be four times larger than last year’s event. Plans are in place to procure books for mobile libraries in Kothrud and community libraries. Actor and writer Praveen Tarde praised the festival for its cultural significance and its ability to reconnect Punekars with their love for literature.

Organizer Rajesh Pande described the event as a community-driven celebration of books and reading, encouraging everyone to participate and support the reading movement in Pune. Bageshree Manthalkar provided updates on the festival’s planning and financial arrangements, which will include stalls, exhibitions, and literary activities.

The Pune Book Festival promises to be a landmark cultural event, attracting book lovers from all over the country to celebrate the city’s rich literary tradition.

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