High Spirits Cafe in Pune’s Koregaon Park has sparked controversy with its unique New Year’s Eve safety initiative. The cafe sent out invitation packages to regular patrons containing condoms, electrolyte powder, and other items to promote safe partying practices. This move has received both praise and criticism, with the Indian National Congress Youth Wing condemning it as “cheap marketing.”
The campaign aims to promote road safety, responsible drinking, hydration, and safe sex during the festive season. In addition to the items in the invitation packages, informational pamphlets and a one-time cab service offer were included to discourage drinking and driving.
While the initiative was applauded on social media for its safety focus, it also faced backlash. The Maharashtra Youth Wing of the Indian National Congress criticized the campaign, claiming it goes against Pune’s educational and cultural values. They called for strict action against the cafe and urged authorities to prevent similar campaigns in the future.
High Spirits Cafe manager, Zaid Khan, defended the initiative, explaining that it was meant to encourage responsible partying and raise awareness about the potential consequences of risky behaviors. Despite the controversy, many locals have praised the cafe’s efforts to promote safe partying practices.
The debate surrounding the campaign sheds light on the ongoing clash between modern nightlife culture and traditional values in Pune.
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