The recent heavy rains in Pune have led to severe flooding, prompting the Pune City BJP to take swift action. City President Dheeraj Ghate announced the establishment of an urgent help centre and helpline to assist those in need. All BJP offices, including those of MPs and MLAs, will serve as 24-hour relief centres for the next eight days.

Residents requiring help are urged to contact the city office via the helplines provided. An emergency online meeting was held by the BJP to coordinate efforts in managing the flood situation effectively. Union Minister of State Muralidhar Mohol, along with other government officials and local representatives, were present at the meeting.

A team of 3,000 BJP workers has been deployed across the city to assist in rescuing trapped citizens, providing first aid, and arranging essentials like accommodation, food, and beverages. The heavy rainfall in the dam areas supplying water to Pune has led to the flooding, with the release of a large volume of water exacerbating the situation.

Efforts are underway to collaborate with the administration and provide immediate relief to affected residents. NDRF personnel have been deployed to assist with relief efforts, and Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar is on-site to coordinate with local authorities. The BJP is mobilizing resources including medicines, food, water, clothing, and temporary accommodation to help those in need. Stay tuned for further updates on the ongoing relief efforts.

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