Pune District Collector Dr Suhas Diwase is currently under fire, with allegations of succumbing to political pressure from Khed Sub Divisional Officer Jogendra Katyare. Katyare has lodged a complaint with the Election Commission of India, claiming that Diwase is working under the influence of Khed Alandi MLA Dilip Mohite, leading to chaos in the district.
According to Katyare, Dr. Suhas Diwase has a history of aligning his actions with political interests, citing instances of alleged subservience to the MLA’s influence. Katyare points to Diwase’s close relationship with the MLA, which he claims has existed since the beginning of Diwase’s administrative career.
Jogendra Katyare, currently serving as Khed-Rajgurunagar Sub Divisional Officer, has raised concerns about the MLA’s suspected involvement without directly naming anyone. He suggests that Dilip Mohite from NCP (Ajit Pawar) is the likely candidate due to his role as the MLA of the Khed Alandi Vidhan Sabha constituency.
The complaint to the ECI has sparked public interest in the matter, with questions arising about the commission’s response to Katyare’s allegations and the potential implications for the upcoming Vidhan Sabha elections. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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