In a recent case in Pune, a couple’s ongoing quarrels between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law resulted in the husband and wife separating after six years of living apart. The divorce was finalized in the first hearing on November 15 by Family Court Judge BD Patil.
The divorce applications were filed on October 15, and due to a Supreme Court ruling exempting the six month cooling-off period if a couple has been separated for 18 months, the divorce was granted based on their mutual consent. The couple had been living separately for six years, making them eligible for an exemption from the waiting period.
Represented by their respective lawyers, the couple, Rakesh and Smita, decided to part ways after facing irreconcilable differences. Smita and her mother-in-law’s arguments led to her leaving her husband’s house in 2018, eventually leading to the divorce proceedings.
Despite their traditional marriage in 2016 and having a young daughter together, it became clear that reconciliation was not possible, leading to the mutual decision to end their marriage. Smita will have custody of their daughter, with Rakesh agreeing to pay her Rs 5 lakh as part of the divorce settlement.
This case serves as a reminder of the complexities of family dynamics and the importance of finding a resolution that allows both parties to move forward independently.
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