The latest updates on the Porsche car accident case in Pune’s Kalyani Nagar have revealed some shocking developments. Surendra Kumar Agrawal and Vishal Agrawal, the grandfather and father of the minor accused, have been granted four days of police custody by the court. They are set to remain in custody until May 31st. In a surprising turn of events, two doctors and one peon from Sassoon General Hospital have also been arrested on suspicion of tampering with the minor boy’s blood sample to determine his alcohol consumption. Dr. Taware and Dr. Halnor will be in police custody until May 30th.

During today’s court appearance, tensions ran high as allegations of coercion and threats against the family car driver surfaced. Surendra Kumar and Vishal Agrawal were both present in court, with the session resulting in a scuffle between the public prosecutor and the defense counsel. The court ultimately decided to remand the accused Agrawals to four days of police custody.

Defense Counsel Prashant Patil raised concerns about the multiple FIRs filed in the case and questioned the integrity of the CCTV footage. Despite the seizure of CCTV footage from the Agrawals’ residence, no substantial evidence has been found. The driver and his wife claimed to have fled the accident scene due to fear of mob violence.

On the other hand, the public prosecutor stressed the importance of joint investigations into related incidents and the need for further interrogation of potential accomplices. With the phones of the accused under scrutiny, the prosecutor argued that an extended period of police custody was necessary for a thorough investigation.

Key issues raised during the court hearing include the defense’s assertion of the Agral family’s reputation and the prosecutor’s call for seven additional days of police custody to uncover any further involvement in the case. The seizure of the driver’s phone has raised suspicions of potential accomplices, warranting a deeper probe into the matter.

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