Hey Pune peeps, guess what? First Class Judicial Magistrate Amrit Birajdar has made a ruling that’s sure to make waves in the city. A Muslim woman’s husband has been ordered to pay an extra Rs 1.05 lakh for their daughter’s education, on top of the interim alimony she’s already receiving. Talk about a win for single moms everywhere!

Let’s dive into the details: Salim and Salma (not their real names) tied the knot during the pandemic, but things quickly went downhill. Salma used to work at a private hospital, but Salim made her quit her job. Then, when she got pregnant, he started dictating who she could see for medical advice and even resorted to physical abuse. Yikes.

Thankfully, Salma sought help from Advocate Neeta Bhavar and filed a domestic violence case. She was granted interim maintenance, but when it came time for their daughter to start school, Salma asked for additional financial support. And guess what? The court agreed and now Salim has to cough up over a lakh for their daughter’s education. Justice served!

So, kudos to the legal system for standing up for kids who might otherwise face setbacks due to their parents’ separation. Here’s hoping this sets a precedent for similar cases in the future. Stay tuned for more updates on this story, Pune!

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