Hey there, folks! Today we’ve got some updates on a recent court case where Special Public Prosecutor Nitin Konghe took charge and represented the government. The case involved a young girl who testified alongside ten other witnesses, including medical officers, to bring justice to the accused.

During a video link hearing, the brave girl identified the accused as “the uncle with the dog” and confirmed that he had harassed her. The court took note of this crucial testimony and ordered the Pune District Legal Services Authority to compensate the victim under Section 396 of the Protection of Civil Rights Act.

Prosecutor Konghe didn’t hold back as he emphasized the seriousness of the crime, arguing that despite the accused’s age, the impact on the victim’s physical and mental well-being warranted strict punishment without any leniency.

In its judgment, the court made it clear that the accused had no prior issues with the victim’s family, indicating that there was no motive for false implication. The court also pointed out that the accused’s actions were driven by a deliberate intent to derive pleasure from the harassment.

The verdict is a strong message that such offenses will not be taken lightly, regardless of the accused’s age. It highlights the importance of severe punishment to deter such crimes in the future. Stay tuned for more updates on this important case!

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