In a recent development in Pune, City Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar has issued a strong warning against those who disrupt hospitals or harass doctors following a patient’s death. This comes after numerous complaints from doctors about relatives causing chaos, threatening staff, and demanding bill waivers.
During a meeting with medical experts, CP Amitesh Kumar instructed Senior Police Inspectors to take strict action against individuals who besiege hospitals and harass doctors. He emphasized the importance of directing complaints to the Indian Medical Association (IMA) for proper investigation and action.
“Relatives often create chaos and attack doctors after a patient’s death in hospitals,” stated CP Amitesh Kumar. “It is important to report any complaints to the IMA rather than taking the law into their own hands and vandalizing hospital property.”
The directive aims to maintain a safe environment in hospitals for both patients and healthcare professionals, free from threats and violence. The heads of all police stations in Pune have been instructed to take action against those who violate these guidelines.
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