The aftermath of a tragic Porsche accident in Kalyani Nagar has led to the suspension of licenses for 112 clubs and bars in Pune. The Pune Excise Department is taking decisive action to ensure public safety following the incident on May 19th.

District collector Suhas Divase will be conducting hearings starting on June 6th to determine the fate of these establishments. Popular venues like The Miller’s, Demora, Elephant, Ballr, 2BHK, and Water’s have been affected and are currently sealed pending further review.

The fatal accident involved a minor who had been served alcohol at Cosie and Blak Club before driving a Porsche at high speeds, resulting in the deaths of two IT professionals. This tragedy has prompted a comprehensive review of excise regulations in Pune.

In addition to the 112 suspensions, the district collector has permanently revoked the licenses of six rooftop clubs as part of the crackdown on non-compliance with excise laws. The excise department is committed to upholding the law and ensuring that such violations are addressed rigorously.

Stay tuned for updates as the hearings progress and the fate of these clubs is determined. The authorities are taking strict measures to enforce excise regulations and prioritize public safety in Pune.

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