The Pune Customs officials have made a significant drug bust, seizing a whopping 883.1 kilograms of ganja worth around Rs 2.2 crores. The clever smugglers tried to disguise the illegal cargo by hiding it amongst poultry remains in an Eicher truck en route from Odisha to Solapur. However, the vigilant officers were not fooled and managed to uncover the contraband during a thorough search of the vehicle.
Commissioner Yashodhan Wanage praised his team for their sharp investigative skills that led to the successful interception on May 30. The illicit drugs were carefully separated from the legitimate cargo, resulting in the apprehension of one individual involved in the smuggling operation. The street value of the seized ganja is estimated to be a staggering Rs 2.2 crores, highlighting the lucrative nature of the illegal drug trade.
This seizure serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts by law enforcement agencies to combat drug trafficking and protect society from the harmful effects of substance abuse. The Pune Customs officials are committed to maintaining the integrity of their operations and will continue to crack down on any attempts to smuggle illegal substances into the country.
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