Pune District Collector Dr. Suhas Diwase has declared a holiday for schools and colleges in specific areas of Pune District on 26th July 2024 due to a red alert issued by the Indian Meteorological Department predicting heavy rainfall. The affected areas include Maval, Mulshi, Bhor, Velha, Khadakwasla area of Haveli taluka, Ambegaon, Junnar, Khed, Pune, and Pimpri Chinchwad cities. A discharge of 40,000 cusecs of water from Khadakwasla Dam has been mandated, posing a risk of waterlogging in low-lying areas of Pune city. Citizens are advised to exercise vigilance and only go out if necessary. Despite the closure for students, all school staff must attend during office hours to carry out disaster management work. The order is effective immediately to ensure public safety amidst heavy rains.
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