Pune District Collector Dr Suhas Diwase is caught up in a bit of drama with probationary IAS officer Dr Puja Khedkar. Khedkar has lodged a mental harassment case against Diwase, but he claims he hasn’t received any notice about the allegations. Looks like there’s some tension brewing between these two!
Khedkar seems to be avoiding the authorities, as she didn’t follow the first notice from Pune Police and now a second notice has been served to her by Washim Police. Will she finally record her statement on Saturday as requested? Only time will tell.
In a surprising turn of events, it seems Khedkar has decided to extend her stay in Washim for two more days. She’s been holed up in the rest house for over 66 hours, not stepping out at all. What’s she up to in there?
With all this drama going on, it’s hard to say what will happen next. Will Khedkar finally speak up about the allegations? Will Diwase address the issue at the right time? Stay tuned for updates on this developing story!
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