The Pune District Collector, Dr. Suhas Divase, has set a new date for the first hearing for Cosie and Blak Club after allegations of serving alcohol to minors. The hearing, which took place yesterday, has led to the sealing of all relevant documents by the police. The owner of Cosie and the manager of Blak Club have been arrested, causing a delay in the proceedings. The new hearing date will be communicated to the parties involved via email, WhatsApp, or Telegram.
This action comes after a tragic Porsche accident that claimed the lives of two IT professionals. In response, the Excise Department has cracked down on over 120 establishments in Pune, including clubs, bars, and rooftop venues. The district collector has also revoked the licenses of six rooftop clubs as part of the crackdown.
Evidence against Cosie includes surveillance footage showing minors consuming alcohol and a bill receipt amounting to over ₹20,000, further supporting the allegations of serving alcohol to underage individuals.
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