So, there’s some drama unfolding in Pune with a probationary IAS officer causing a stir at the District Collectorate. Dr Puja Dilip Khedkar seems to be making waves with her demands and behavior since joining in June. District Collector Dr Suhas Diwase has submitted a detailed 25-page report about her antics to the Additional Chief Secretary.
It seems like Khedkar is not one to follow the rules for probationary officers. She apparently grabbed the antechamber of a senior officer, installed an amber light on her personal vehicle with ‘Maharashtra Government’ written on it, and even dragged her father into the mix to argue with officials.
The report mentions that Khedkar was demanding facilities not sanctioned for probationary officers, like a specific seating arrangement and an attached bathroom. She even refused to use the office given to her and instead took over the antechamber of the Additional District Collector.
Khedkar’s behavior has raised eyebrows, with District Collector Diwase recommending her transfer to another district for training. He has cited her messages, behavior, and insistence on facilities as reasons for the recommendation. Khedkar, on the other hand, seems to believe she is being harassed as a woman officer and has even threatened officials over the phone.
It’s definitely a case of clash of egos and entitlement, with Khedkar’s background as the daughter of a former gazetted officer and IAS officer not helping her case. With her family’s political connections and her own demands, it looks like Khedkar is in for a bumpy ride during her probationary period.
Let’s see how this drama unfolds and whether Khedkar gets transferred to another district as recommended by the District Collector. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story!
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