Pune, 1st July 2024: After a series of tragic incidents at popular tourist spots in Pune, District Collector Dr. Suhas Diwase has announced a set of strict safety measures to protect visitors. These steps, aimed at preventing further accidents, were outlined in a directive sent to key officials in the district.
Dr. Diwase highlighted the importance of these measures, stating that the safety of tourists is a top priority. The recent increase in accidents, especially during the monsoon season, has prompted the need for comprehensive safety measures to be put in place.
Key safety measures include categorizing tourist spots into three levels based on crowd size, assessing carrying capacities, issuing tourist permits online, enhancing security measures, mobilizing volunteers for emergencies, regulating forest tourism, increasing public awareness, providing weather advisories, and developing an emergency plan in collaboration with tourism authorities.
Dr. Diwase stressed that these measures are essential to ensure the safety of tourists and preserve the natural beauty of Pune’s attractions. The district administration hopes that these proactive steps will reduce accidents and enhance the overall safety of visitors. Tourists are urged to comply with these guidelines for a safer and more enjoyable experience.
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