Hey folks, some drama went down in Shivajinagar recently! The Pune State Excise Department busted illegal liquor stock at L3 – The Liquid Leisure Lounge pub after a video of youngsters doing drugs in the washroom went viral on social media. The Maharashtra Excise Minister, Shambhuraj Desai, faced heavy criticism and promised action. True to his word, on 23rd June, the Excise Department swung into action and even suspended the license of Hotel Rainbow.
Following the viral video, officials from the Pune Excise Department did some digging at L3 – The Liquid Leisure Lounge pub. Meanwhile, the Pune Police did their own investigation into the drug case. What they found was not just drugs, but also an unlicensed stock of liquor. Six individuals were arrested, and a whopping 241 liters of foreign liquor valued at Rs 3 lakh was confiscated.
But wait, there’s more! Turns out, Hotel Rainbow on the same premises was also in hot water. The Liquor Sales License had been approved, but sneaky changes were made to the license map, creating a secret passage to the upper floors. The Pune Collector wasted no time in suspending and sealing the license due to this serious violation. To top it off, an inspector and sub-inspector from the Excise Department were slapped with suspensions for their lackadaisical attitude.
Well, well, well, looks like things got pretty hectic over at Shivajinagar. Keep an eye out for more updates on this juicy saga!
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