- In an unexpected turn of events, a Pune Court recently granted unilateral divorce to a husband due to mental harassment by his wife. The case, presided over by Judge VK Thakur, was resolved within nine months, with Advocate Shubhangi Jethithor representing the husband.
- The couple, Vijay and Rekha (names changed for privacy), got married in March 2016. Initially, everything seemed fine, but soon after, Rekha started mentally harassing her husband. Her behavior included neglecting household chores, shouting, and causing disturbances to the in-laws.
- Things got so bad that Vijay had to move to a separate house to escape the constant stress. Despite this, Rekha continued her harassment, leading to Vijay’s deteriorating mental health and eventual job loss.
- The final straw came when Rekha went to her parents’ home to give birth and never returned to her husband. After failed attempts to reconcile, Vijay sought the help of Advocate Shubhangi P. Jethithor to file for divorce.
- This case sheds light on the rising trend of husbands seeking divorce due to mental harassment by their wives. It also highlights the need for awareness and support for individuals facing such challenges in their marriages.
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