In a tragic incident in Baramati, Pune, a car carrying student pilots met with an accident on December 9, resulting in the death of two trainees and severe injuries to two others. Among the victims was 21-year-old Chesta Bishnoi, who fought for her life for nine days before passing away on December 18.
Despite the heartbreaking loss, Chesta’s family made the courageous decision to donate her organs. As a result, six lives were saved through the transplantation of her heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, and other organs.
Originally from Rajasthan, Chesta was undergoing pilot training in Baramati when the accident occurred. Following her tragic death, her organs were successfully transplanted at Ruby Hall Clinic and D.Y. Patil Hospital, with the recipients now in stable condition.
Dr. Prasad Muglikar, Medical Director of Ruby Hall Clinic, praised Chesta’s family for their selfless act, stating that her organs were distributed according to the guidelines of the Pune Divisional Transplant Coordination Committee. Thanks to their generosity, Chesta’s legacy lives on through the lives she has saved.
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