In a heart-stopping incident in Pune’s Karvenagar area, the Fire Brigade came to the rescue of a woman who had accidentally fallen into a 20-foot-deep water tank. The woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, was reportedly walking near the tank when she slipped and fell in.

The Fire Brigade received a distress call and immediately rushed to the scene. With the help of ropes and harnesses, the firefighters were able to lower themselves into the tank and pull the woman out safely. It was a race against time as the water level was rising rapidly due to heavy rainfall in the area.

The woman was visibly shaken but thankfully not injured in the incident. She was taken to a nearby hospital for a check-up and is said to be in stable condition. The Fire Brigade officials commended their team for their quick response and efficient rescue operation.

This incident serves as a reminder to always be cautious around water bodies, especially during the monsoon season when the risk of accidents is higher. It also highlights the importance of having well-trained emergency services like the Fire Brigade to come to the rescue in times of need.

Kudos to the Pune Fire Brigade for their timely intervention and saving the life of the woman in distress. Let’s all stay safe and vigilant to prevent such incidents in the future. #PunePulse #FireBrigadeHeroes #StaySafePune.

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