The heavy rains in Pune on Wednesday night caused chaos in the city, with water seepage and falling trees becoming a common sight. The firefighters were quick to respond, rescuing a total of 254 people from flooded areas by Thursday evening.

The relentless downpour lasted for twelve hours, leading to water seepage incidents in various parts of Pune. Trees fell in 78 locations, and water seepage was reported in 25 areas, including Ektanagari and Anandnagar on Sinhagad Road. Despite the heavy rains, no injuries were reported from the collapsed walls of an old house.

Devendra Potfode, head of the fire department, commended the efforts of the 200 personnel and 20 officers involved in the relief operations. The control room was flooded with calls all night, with firefighters dispatched to address water ingress and fallen trees promptly.

The police also played a crucial role in the relief work, closing several bridges and subways due to flooding. Bhide Bridge, Jayantrao Tilak Bridge, Holkar Bridge, Shantinagar Bridge, and Manjar Bridge were among the areas affected, with traffic redirected to alternative routes. Police officers were present at the sites, issuing instructions via loudspeaker in waterlogged areas.

Collaborating with firefighters, the police worked to evacuate residents to safety and clear waterlogged roads. Drainage systems were utilized to drain excess water, with municipal employees aiding in restoring traffic flow in severely affected areas.

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