Pune is gearing up for a sharp drop in temperatures as the India Meteorological Department (IMD) issues a warning of an intense cold wave set to hit the city in the coming days. With the end of the monsoon season, Maharashtra is experiencing dry and cold weather, leading to a noticeable increase in chill.

IMD’s Pune Chief, K.S. Hosalikar, has forecasted a significant decrease in the minimum temperature, with temperatures expected to plummet to as low as 11 degrees Celsius. Punekars are advised to prepare for the cold snap over the next five days, as similar conditions are expected across the state.

The current weather trends in Pune have already shown a decrease in temperatures, but the cold is set to intensify once again, with both minimum and maximum temperatures expected to sharply drop. Hosalikar has been updating citizens about the impending weather changes via social media, urging everyone to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions.

As Pune braces for the colder weather, here are some tips for residents to stay prepared: layer up with warm clothing, stay hydrated to avoid dehydration, insulate homes to retain warmth, protect vulnerable groups from the cold, and avoid outdoor activities during early mornings and late nights.

The drop in temperatures isn’t limited to Pune alone, as other cities and regions in Maharashtra are also expected to experience a similar decrease in temperatures. With the onset of a more intense winter phase, it is crucial for everyone to stay informed and take proactive measures to ensure comfort and safety during this chilly period.

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