In the wake of the Mumbai Ghatkopar Tragedy, where a hoarding collapse resulted in multiple casualties, civic bodies across the country are on high alert. Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has taken proactive measures by conducting surveys and structural audits of all hoardings in the city. While unauthorized hoardings are being targeted, licensed hoarding holders are also feeling the heat of sudden inspections.

Milind Ahire, president of Small Hoarding Advertisers, recently spoke out against PMC’s actions in a press conference. He emphasized that authorized hoarding holders have followed all necessary regulations and should not be unfairly targeted. In a demand letter to PMC Commissioner Rajendra Bhosale, Ahire highlighted the need for immediate action against unauthorized hoardings, fair treatment for small-scale hoarding owners, and joint inspections with municipal engineers to address any issues.

The letter also called for transparency in the process, with a focus on preventing corruption within the Skysign and License department. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure the safety and legality of all hoardings in Pune while maintaining a cooperative relationship between PMC and hoarding license holders.

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