Pune is gearing up to host the very first International Phule Festival, a four-day event dedicated to honoring the legacy of Jyotiba Phule, a prominent figure in India’s social reform and education history. Set to take place at the SM Joshi Foundation auditorium from January 2 to January 5, 2025, the festival will run from 9 am to 9 pm each day.

The event will see over 600 poets, writers, intellectuals, and artists from Maharashtra and abroad coming together to pay tribute to Phule’s contributions. Poets from Dubai will kick off the festival, showcasing its international appeal.

The festival will feature a diverse range of performances, including poetry readings, literature discussions, and art displays, all highlighting the enduring importance of Phule’s vision for education and social equality.

Bhidewada, the historical site in Budhwar Peth where Jyotiba and Savitribai Phule founded India’s first school for girls, plays a central role in the festival. The event aims to promote and preserve Phule’s ideology, rooted in this historical connection.

Key features of the International Phule Festival include the presentation of the International Phule Premi Samaj Ratna Award to recognize 25 individuals for their contributions to the Bhidewada campaign and the promotion of Phule’s principles. The festival will offer free entry to all attendees, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all.

With participants from various countries, the festival seeks to bridge cultural divides and amplify Phule’s message of social reform and education on a global scale.

The festival’s objectives include preserving Phule’s legacy, inspiring future generations to continue his work, and fostering inclusivity by providing a platform for diverse voices to unite in celebration of shared values.

Organizer Vijay Vadverao emphasized the festival’s mission to spread Phule’s teachings worldwide, while Arvind Bansode highlighted the importance of making the event open to all, reflecting Phule’s commitment to inclusivity.

The International Phule Festival promises to be a significant event, blending cultural expression with a dedication to upholding Jyotiba Phule’s legacy. By bringing together voices from Maharashtra and beyond, the festival aims to promote a global appreciation for Phule’s contributions to education, equality, and social reform, ensuring that his work remains accessible to all.

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