In a shocking turn of events, a case has been filed against Manorama Khedkar and Dilip Khedkar, parents of probationary IAS officer Puja Khedkar, for an alleged assault and threat incident that occurred last year. The complaint was filed by Pandharinath Kondiba Pasalkar, a 65-year-old farmer, after seeing a news segment on TV.

The accused individuals, including Ambadas Khedkar and four bouncers, reportedly attacked Pasalkar and his family on their land in Dhadwali village. The incident, which took place in June last year, involved the accused using a pistol to threaten Pasalkar and his family.

Pasalkar finally decided to take action after discussing the incident with his children. The accused have been booked under various sections including causing hurt, criminal intimidation, and unlawful assembly and rioting. The police sub inspector Jadhav is currently investigating the case.

This incident has sparked outrage and raised concerns about the safety of individuals in rural areas. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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