Pune has been in the news recently due to a series of unfortunate accidents involving minors. The Kalyani Nagar Porsche incident, where a minor allegedly drunk driver killed two young IT engineers, has sparked national attention. Even minor incidents, like the Wakad collision where a minor hit a parked car, are making headlines. More serious accidents, like the Shirur accident where a girl hit a two-wheeler, resulting in one death and one injury, and the Wakad Thar case where a pedestrian was killed, are also being discussed.
Despite these incidents, the Pune Regional Transport Office (RTO) has reported a decrease in accidents this year compared to last year. According to Pune RTO Sanjeev Bhor, accidents have decreased by 16% in the first five months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. While Pune RTO ranked 14th in Maharashtra last year, it has now improved to 40th place.
Pune Rural has seen a high number of accidents, with reports suggesting it ranked first in Maharashtra. However, Bhor clarified that data discrepancies may have inflated these figures by including past incidents. To address this issue, the Pune RTO has implemented various road safety measures, including road repairs, improved traffic signals, and the removal of blind spots on major highways and roads in Pune.
In an effort to crack down on traffic violations, the Pune RTO has created flying squads to enforce road rules. Common violations include speeding, running red lights, and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Since the beginning of the year, actions have been taken against approximately 5,000 violations, resulting in fines totaling over Rs 13,00,000.
In response to the recent incidents involving drunk driving, the Pune RTO has become more vigilant. Since May 22nd, actions have been taken against 52 drunk drivers, 11 unregistered vehicles, and 2 underage drivers. The Pune RTO has stated that drunk driving cases will be sent to court and driver licenses will be suspended for 180 days. Cases of underage driving and unregistered vehicles will also be dealt with seriously.
Overall, the Pune RTO is working hard to improve road safety and reduce accidents in the city. With these measures in place, they hope to provide safer roads for Pune citizens.
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