Hey Pune peeps, looks like there was a bit of a hiccup during the assembly elections counting process in the city recently. The Indu Infotech Company dropped the ball when it came to completing the computer and connection work needed for the vote counting on time. As a result, officials couldn’t even do a mock rehearsal of the counting process.
Divisional Officer Pushpa Vasant Gosavi was not pleased with this turn of events and decided to take action. A complaint has been filed against the representative of Indu Infotech Company at the Koregaon Park Police Station.
The counting of votes for 8 constituencies was supposed to take place at the Indian Food Corporation warehouse in Koregaon Park. However, thanks to the delay caused by Indu Infotech, things didn’t go as planned.
The company was supposed to finish the required work by 11 a.m. on November 22, but they missed the mark. This meant that the mock rehearsal scheduled for the day before the counting couldn’t take place.
In the end, the administration had to bring in other resources to get the job done, causing a bit of chaos in the process. Now, the representative of Indu Infotech Company is facing some heat under Section 134 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.
Assistant Police Inspector Purushottam Deokar is on the case and will be leading the investigation into this voting fiasco. Let’s hope things go smoother next time, Pune!
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