Hey there, folks! Here’s some hot-off-the-press news from Pune that you won’t want to miss. The Khadak Police recently busted two Piaggio Tempos that were caught red-handed illegally transporting gutkha in the Lohiyanagar area. Talk about a big bust – they confiscated gutkha worth a whopping Rs 10 lakh from these sneaky tempos.
The accused, Aqib Shakeel Shaikh, has been arrested and booked under various sections of the IPC and Food Safety Standards. The action went down in front of Sonmarg Theatre late at night on Saturday, July 13. It seems like the Khadak police were on a mission to crack down on illegal activities in the area, and they definitely succeeded in this case.
The police team, led by Senior Police Inspector Vishwajeet Kaingade, seized not only the contraband gutkha but also cash, tempos, and other items worth over Rs 10 lakh. The tempo driver tried to make a run for it, but the police were quick on their feet and managed to apprehend him.
The accused has been sent to police custody for three days and is currently in judicial custody. The investigation is ongoing, with Police Sub-Inspector Pralhad Dengle leading the charge. Kudos to the entire police team involved in this operation for their swift action and dedication to keeping the city safe.
This just goes to show that crime doesn’t pay, especially when the Khadak Police are on the case. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story!
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