Pune has been blessed with abundant rainfall over the past week, leading to a significant increase in water storage in the Khadakwasla chain of dams. As of Sunday, the total storage in the dams stood at 24.95 TMC, with around 5,000 cusecs of water being released from the Khadakwasla Dam.
The catchment areas of all four dams in the Khadakwasla chain have received ample rainfall, putting an end to the drinking water crisis in the city. This has also ensured that there is enough water available for agricultural purposes. The current total storage of the four dams is 24.95 TMC, out of a total capacity of 29 TMC.
The recent heavy rains in the catchment areas have led to a discharge of water from the dams, with the Khadakwasla Dam releasing 13,981 cusecs at midnight on Sunday. The administration has appealed to citizens to avoid entering the riverbed, and the discharge levels will be adjusted based on the rainfall in the catchment areas.
In addition to the Khadakwasla Dam, water has also been released from the Panshet Dam, with a discharge of 4,712 cusecs on Sunday afternoon. The current water storage levels in the dams are as follows: Khadakwasla – 1.61 TMC (81.43%), Panshet – 10.61 TMC (95.45%), Varasgaon – 10.29 TMC (95.45%), and Temghar – 2.89 TMC (77.99%), bringing the total storage to 24.95 TMC (85.59%).
Overall, the recent rainfall has brought much-needed relief to Pune, ensuring an adequate water supply for both drinking and irrigation purposes.
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