In a recent development in Pune, the Khadki Cantonment Board (KCB) has proposed the excision of 326 acres from its civilian areas to integrate them with the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC). This move follows consultations with key military and defence authorities, including the Southern Command, the Bombay Engineering Group, and the Ammunition Factory Khadki.

The areas identified for merger include parts of Khadki Bazaar, Sapras, and Sangamwadi, which would bring around 29,000 residents under the jurisdiction of the PMC. Meenakshi Lohia, CEO of KCB, mentioned that residents planning to build within 100 meters of any Army establishment would require a no-objection certificate (NoC) as per security protocols.

Officials from KCB have already met with PMC representatives to discuss the merger proposal and are awaiting feedback before submitting the final proposal to the state government. While the central location of Khadki is attractive for real estate development, concerns about security may pose challenges for high-rise projects or large housing societies.

A senior Army officer stressed the importance of security assessments for construction proposals, stating that the local military authority would carefully review all NoC requests. The proposal now awaits approval from the Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA), with Commissioner Manoj Ranade mentioning that discussions are ongoing and multiple factors need to be considered before a decision is made on the merger.

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