The Pune Land Records Department has introduced an innovative online speed post system for sending property card notices, streamlining the process of issuing notifications after any updates to property records. This move is part of the department’s efforts to modernize its operations and boost efficiency.
The new system, currently being piloted in City Land Survey Offices No.1 and No.2 in Pune, automates the notification process for property card updates due to transactions or inheritance. Notices will now be sent directly to individuals listed on the property card using the speed post service.
Key features and benefits of the online speed post system include automated processes, faster communication, notice tracking, reduction in errors, improved transparency and accountability, and digitization of services. By leveraging the e-post system, the department aims to provide a quicker and more reliable system for citizens to receive property card updates.
Through collaboration with the National Informatics Centre, the department has developed a computerized system that facilitates property card updates and notices online. Changes to property records are made electronically, and a Specimen 9 notice is generated and sent via the e-post service.
The successful launch of this pilot system in Pune’s City Land Survey Offices could pave the way for a fully digitized and efficient system for property-related services. The department’s push for digitization reflects a broader effort to enhance citizen experience and transparency in governance, ultimately fostering a more connected and modernized system for property transactions in Pune.
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