In a bizarre incident involving black magic and Aghori practices, a man in Pune forced his wife to take a bath at a public place and filmed it. The woman, horrified by the situation, approached the High Court for help. Bombay HC Justice Anil Kilor directed the husband to deposit his mobile phone with the Bharati Vidyapeeth Police for investigation.

The court granted interim bail to the husband, but only on the condition that he hand over his phone to the authorities. The woman was afraid that her husband would make the video clip viral, so the HC took this precautionary measure.

A case has been registered against the husband, his parents, and an exorcist under various charges, including domestic violence, cheating, and violations of the Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil, and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Act, 2013. The exorcist, Maulana Baba Jamadar, has been taken into custody.

The incident took place in August 2022, and the woman immediately filed a complaint. Despite her husband also filing a complaint against her and her father, he was released on bail in December of the same year.

The husband claimed that the filming of the bath was done for business prosperity, family peace, and to remove an evil charm, all at the exorcist’s behest. The victim, however, was not convinced and sought legal action to prevent the video from being misused.

Ultimately, the court granted the husband anticipatory bail, provided that he surrendered his mobile phone for further investigation. The case serves as a reminder of the dangers of superstition and the need to protect individuals from such harmful practices.

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