Hey Pune peeps, here’s the latest scoop from the city! A Pune Sessions Court has handed down a seven-year sentence to Bhimrao Yashwant Khande for the murder of Chandrakant Shankar Chavan. The whole incident started with a petty argument over a measly ₹100 that Khande had borrowed from Chavan. Things escalated quickly, and Khande ended up throwing a stone at Chavan’s head, resulting in his untimely death.
The tragic incident took place back in 2015 near a godown on Saswad Road in Wadki village. Chavan had demanded his money back, and things took a violent turn from there. The case was brought to light when Chavan’s relative, Ramesh Chandrakant Chavan, filed a complaint at the Loni Kalbhor police station.
The investigation was thorough, led by Assistant Police Inspector Dilip Pawar and his team of dedicated Constables. After carefully reviewing all the evidence and testimonies, the court found Khande guilty and sentenced him to seven years of rigorous imprisonment. On top of that, he was also slapped with a fine of ₹10,000.
Justice has been served in this tragic case, reminding us all of the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully. Stay tuned for more updates on the Pune news scene!
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