Big news for Pune residents! The Mahametro authorities have made a major decision to add a fourth station at Balajinagar to the Swargate-Katraj metro expansion project. This move, aimed at meeting the demands of local representatives and citizens, is expected to increase the project cost by ₹200-300 crore.

The Swargate-Katraj metro line is an extension of the Pune Metro’s Swargate-Pimpri Chinchwad route, with the foundation stone laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi just two months ago. Originally planned to have three stations—Market Yard, Padmavati, and Katraj—the addition of the Balajinagar station will benefit residents of Dhankawadi and Balajinagar by providing better accessibility.

The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has given the green light for the new station, with Mahametro taking on the construction costs while PMC supplies the necessary land. The proposal is pending final approval from the standing committee.

Municipal Commissioner Dr. Rajendra Bhosale emphasized the community’s need for the Balajinagar station, stating that it will bridge the gap between Padmavati and Katraj, which currently exceeds the standard metro station spacing.

Residents of Balajinagar have long been advocating for better connectivity, with a resolution passed by the municipal general body in the past. After thorough site inspections and consultations, Mahametro agreed to add the station to address concerns over the distance between Padmavati and Katraj.

The addition of the Balajinagar station is expected to enhance convenience for residents in densely populated areas like Dhankawadi, KK Market, and Balajinagar, ultimately leading to increased metro usage and reduced reliance on road transport.

The Swargate-Katraj metro extension, with a revised project cost of ₹2,954.53 crore, is poised to become a crucial link for Pune’s urban population. However, challenges related to costs and timelines still need to be addressed. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development!

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