The city of Pune witnessed a heart-wrenching yet inspiring story as a 25-year-old pregnant woman, involved in a tragic road accident, became a symbol of hope through organ donation. The woman, who suffered severe injuries in the accident, was rushed to Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College in a critical condition. Despite the best efforts of the medical team, she was declared brain dead.

Adding to the tragedy, the woman, who was pregnant at full term, gave birth to a baby boy through emergency medical procedures before being declared brain dead. The doctors tried their best to save her, but unfortunately, her condition could not be reversed.

In a remarkable display of courage and humanity, her husband and father made the decision to donate her organs, ensuring that her legacy would live on by saving the lives of others. Following the guidelines for organ donation, her kidneys and liver were allocated to patients in need.

One kidney and the liver were kept at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College for patients at the donor hospital, while the other kidney was allocated to a patient at Nine Pearl Hospital in Nashik. The allocation process was facilitated by the Zonal Transplant Coordination Committee (ZTCC).

Dr. Prashant Sakolkar, an Intensivist at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, commended the family for their selfless act of organ donation despite their immense grief. He expressed heartfelt condolences and deep respect for their decision, emphasizing the life-saving impact of organ donation.

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