In other news, Pune MP Murlidhar Mohol has been making big moves when it comes to the development of Pune City. During a recent meeting at the Pune Municipal Corporation, Mohol discussed the importance of the river improvement and revitalization project for the Mula-Mutha River. This project aims to completely transform the river and make it a more beautiful and functional part of the city.
But that’s not all – Mohol also delved into the details of the 24×7 uniform water supply scheme, ensuring that Pune residents will have access to clean drinking water for the next half-century. He even took a look at the various flyover projects happening in Pune, making sure everything is on track.
One particularly exciting development is the acquisition of a special fund of ₹200 crores from the state government for flood management. The funds will go towards building protection walls for the Ambil stream, a crucial step in preventing flooding in the area.
And let’s not forget about the infrastructure projects – Mohol is keeping a close eye on the progress of the flyover on Sinhagad Road, pushing for its completion as soon as possible. He’s also checking in on the bridge over the Mutha River, which will connect Karve Nagar to Sinhagad Road, making commuting easier for residents.
Overall, it’s clear that Pune MP Murlidhar Mohol is dedicated to making Pune City a better place for everyone. From improving the rivers to ensuring a steady water supply, Mohol is taking the necessary steps to move the city forward. Keep an eye out for more updates on these exciting developments!
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