The Maharashtra state cabinet is set to approve the long-awaited plan to widen the Pune-Mumbai Expressway in the next two months, officials say. This project will expand the expressway from six lanes to eight lanes to tackle the growing traffic congestion issue.

Here are some key details of the widening project:
– Additional Lanes: One more lane will be added in each direction, making it an eight-lane expressway.
– Land Acquisition: Around 100 hectares of land will be needed for the expansion.
– Tunnel Construction: Eight new tunnels will be built at critical locations.
– Cost Estimate: The project is expected to cost ₹5,000 crore, including land acquisition and construction.

The project will be carried out in two phases and is estimated to take three years to complete once approved. The first phase will receive ₹2,500 crore in funding immediately.

With the expressway currently handling 60,000–70,000 vehicles daily in each direction, and traffic growing at a rate of 5% per year, the widening project is crucial to accommodate the increasing number of vehicles and ensure road safety.

The project has received government support and is expected to be approved soon. The Chief Minister is likely to prioritize this project, which will not only improve traffic flow and safety but also have a positive economic impact by boosting trade and connectivity between Pune and Mumbai.

The widening of the Pune-Mumbai Expressway is a significant step towards addressing the region’s transportation challenges and promoting regional growth and development.

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