In a bid to crack down on tardiness and prolonged lunch breaks, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has implemented strict measures to ensure employees adhere to designated office hours. Municipal Commissioner Dr. Rajendra Bhosale has taken a tough stance against absenteeism, issuing orders for disciplinary action against those found violating their duty schedules.

Recent reports have highlighted a troubling trend of employees failing to show up on time and extending their lunch breaks beyond the allocated time slot. This lack of punctuality not only disrupts workflow within the PMC but also causes inconvenience to citizens seeking services from the corporation.

To combat this issue, Dr. Bhosale has instructed department heads to closely monitor employee attendance and punctuality. The directive underscores the importance of maintaining discipline within the workforce to ensure uninterrupted service delivery to the public.

By holding employees accountable for their time management, the PMC aims to improve operational efficiency and enhance the overall service experience for citizens. The enforcement of disciplinary measures is seen as a step towards fostering a culture of accountability and professionalism within the corporation.

Ultimately, the goal of these measures is to optimize the functioning of the Municipal Corporation and uphold its commitment to serving the community. By ensuring that employees are present and engaged during office hours, the PMC hopes to minimize disruptions and streamline administrative processes, ultimately benefiting citizens and enhancing the corporation’s reputation.

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