So, it looks like the Pune Municipal Corporation is shaking things up with their budget timeline for the upcoming financial year. The Standing Committee has given the green light for the budget submission to be pushed beyond the usual January 15 deadline. This change was initially implemented by former Municipal Commissioner Vikram Kumar and seems to be sticking around due to ongoing administrative changes within the corporation.
Typically, the Municipal Commissioner is supposed to present the budget to the Standing Committee by January 15, as per the PMC’s general body resolution. However, with no elected municipal council in place for the past three years, all the responsibilities have fallen on the Commissioner’s shoulders. This has led to the budget presentations happening after January 15 for the last couple of years.
Commissioner Vikram Kumar started the trend of presenting the budget in March instead of January, and the current administration is following suit this year. Municipal Commissioner Dr. Rajendra Bhosale has asked for approval to delay the budget submission for 2025-26, citing “unavoidable reasons.” The Standing Committee agreed, and now the budget is set to be presented in the first week of March.
This delay has raised questions about how it will affect the planning and execution of civic projects for the upcoming financial year. It will be interesting to see how this shift in the budget timeline plays out and what impact it has on the city of Pune.
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