The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) is making strides towards merging Pune Cantonment and Khadki Cantonment Board under its jurisdiction to improve governance and infrastructure for residents. Here are some key developments and challenges identified in this process:

1. Ongoing Discussions and Key Developments: Discussions have been ongoing for the past year, with a recent meeting at the Southern Command Headquarters to address technicalities. The proposal will be finalized after receiving guidelines from the Ministry of Defence.

2. Challenges Identified: Challenges include differences in employment policies, financial implications for PMC, infrastructure management, and land acquisition issues that need resolution before the merger can proceed smoothly.

3. Importance of the Merger: The merger is expected to provide better access to municipal services, improved infrastructure development, and enhanced civic governance for residents in the cantonment areas.

4. Key Guidelines for the Merger: The Ministry of Defence has provided preliminary guidelines for the merger, including the transfer of assets, expansion of municipal authority, retention of military land, and integration into state governance.

5. Implications and Way Forward: The merger holds promise for unlocking development potential in Pune and Khadki cantonments. With approval from the state and central governments, this merger could bring progress and development to the region by addressing infrastructural gaps and enhancing service delivery.

Overall, the merger of Pune and Khadki cantonments under PMC’s jurisdiction has the potential to bring positive change and development to these areas, benefiting residents and improving overall quality of life.

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